Gym Ceiling is done

Monday night I could tell I was getting sick so as I usually do when that happens, I take some meds and try to squeeze in one last “chore” before I’m out for the count.  Since Ryan had to work late I made myself a pizza and then did the final coat on the Gym ceiling.  This was really just cutting in and then rolling the one corner we had patched.  The rest of the ceiling didn’t need a third (or fourth) coat 🙂

I ended the night by working on stripping the Gym door some more.  I’m just about finished with one side.  I figured since my neck hurt from looking up, I’d do the stripping which usually hurts my neck from looking down 🙂

Unfortunately taking Nyquil did not help me sleep at all, I was up most of the night, congested and with a headache (severe cold).  Around 5am I took some mucinex D which helped a lot and I was able to get a couple of hours of sleep.

I haven’t managed much more today than to watch a movie (Princess and the Frog finally).  Looking at the computer is not good on my eyes when I have a headache but I figured I should check some emails and make sure I wasn’t missing anything important.

I’m heading over to the store to get some juice since I haven’t felt up to eating much and need some vitamins.  I sure hope this cold passes quickly, I have a few more things I’d like to work on around the house this week.