On the mend

Well the cold hit hard but fast and I seem to be doing much better now.  I’ve learned from past experience that the cough that persists can be cleared up with my Advaire Rx if I start it once my cold subsides and it’s been helping again.  So I’m ready for the weekend (well after I get all my work done for today that is – got quite a back load from this week) 🙂

In other ‘mending’ news I did manage a little sewing.  I finally finished the second panel for my sister’s curtains!  2 more panels to go!

tab top curtains for window 1

And rather than start right on the next pair I decided to pull out the fun fabrics and get a start on the wall hanging.  There’s applique involved so I wanted to make sure to start early enough on this.  I got the rail blocks done (only 3) and I cut the matching strips for the crip quilt which is going to need 3 or so more fabrics before it can be pieced.  I also had to draw a monkey for applique because there isn’t one in the wall hanging, the zebra is going to be replaced.  You can see a picture of the wallhanging and crib quilt here along with my monkey and my blocks.

Wallhanging start for my nephew

This weekend we’re doing the floor in they gym!  I am So excited.  That room will be done very soon now!