Family weekend

Not a lot of house progress this weekend but we had lots of family time so it was a great weekend.  Friday night Ryan put up the rest of the door trim, although it’s only tacked in place with the nail gun, it still needs to be secured with a few more finish nails before I can caulk and prime it.

Door trim up!

Saturday we went to Ryan’s sister’s house, spent the day and night with his family (his parents came too).  We celebrated Ryan’s father’s birthday and spent the time playing with the nieces.  It was a great weekend.  Sunday we drove home and relaxed a bit, then I did some painting.  I got the ceiling cut in and painted – which was a lot of work and unfortunately definitely needs a second coat, at least of cutting in (which was the hard part) 🙂

ceiling painted (again) 🙂

Not a lot left to do on this room.  If I get a night or two to do some painting we’ll be just about done!  My goal of finishing the room entirely by the end of March looks very realistic now!  2 years and 2 rooms completed, not a bad goal 🙂