Garden Update

This weekend was a very productive weekend working on the gardens. Saturday morning Ryan got up early and got right to work on the vegetable garden (we also worked on the garden one night last week so we had a head start on the last 3 fence sections.

Weeknight progress – got 2 corner posts in and the last 2 beds in.
By naptime we had the fencing all in and the beds ready to go!
I started planting right away while Ryan finished off the top of the fence to look nice
Minus a door (we are just tying wire in front for now) the garden was done Saturday!
Garden helpers spent lots of time in the sprinkler saturday
Ryan got started right away on the level base for the green house saturday night so this was my view sunday morning when I woke up!

Fruit Garden

On Sunday we switched gears over to the fruit garden which is our plan to keep the deer away from the mulberry trees we’ve had for 2 years now. Ryan built 2 smaller raised beds for the blueberry bushes and grape vines I want to grow and he started a new area around the trees.

In progress – Alex was a huge help. We sifted dirt and she helped place the beds.
Done for now – we need more mesh for under the mulch but we put the fence up loosely to keep the deer out for now
Sunday evening I popped in and planted the blueberry bushes (3) and grape vine.

It was a very productive weekend and next weekend maybe the green house will go up and we’ll finish up the last touches to the gardens. Then i’ts just up maintaining and keeping all these plants alive!