A New Garden and Canaan

I should update with pictures of the diningroom ceiling but I haven’t remembered to take those pictures. Ryan did finish up everything except the crown detail on the ceiling so I’ll get pictures in future.

The next weekend after the diningroom progress Ryan spent at the Canaan property – he took 2 days off so he had 4 days and an excavator he rented and he spent that time digging out stumps from the trees that were taken down.

If I haven’t mentioned Canaan before – we bought ~30 acres of land full of trees with the plan to build a pole barn to store wood and the sawmill. The land supplies the trees for Ryan to cut and saw. Currently there is no electricity but we plan to get that added and also make a garage with an apartment in the future to store our boat and the tractor there.

Ryan working on the ‘driveway’ area
Flat area for the pole barn
Looking down to the next flat area where the garage/apartment will go
Mark walled off the stream to put in a pond to enjoy
Pond in progress

I don’t have pictures from the ‘finished’ work as this was Saturday when I brought the kids up to visit. Mark is constantly working at the property so it changes daily.

This past weekend Ryan switched gears and started working on a vegetable garden for me! I’m so excited to finally have a garden and he’s really going all out for me. The garden spot gets about 11 hour of sunshine and it’s outside the basement door so easy access from the basement.

Step 1 – need to flatten out an area for the garden
There’s a level spot for a green house and then the slope is where the garden is going
Ryan digging holes for the fence posts

Ryan built 6 garden beds. 4 will go in the vegetable garden (2 3×6 ft beds and 2 3x8ft beds), then he also built 2 smaller 2×6 ft beds that will go over by our mulberry bushes which we will fence in and that will be where we put our blueberry bushes. It gets a bit less sun over there (but 6 hours or so).

These 3 beds are laid out where we will put the green house platform.
1 wall in (with the doorway) and 2 beds in.

Lots to do still as we are digging a trench along the fence to put the fence down into the ground about 8 inches to keep out the gophers.

I can’t wait to get out and work in the garden a little each day. Probably after the kids go to bed mostly during the last hour of daylight 🙂