Alexandra Elizabeth

Our little Alex just couldn’t wait to join us and at 37 weeks pregnant my water broke while I was at work (at 2pm). Since I’m only in the office 2 days a week this was unexpected and such a surreal experience. With no contractions the doctor said I could drive to the hospital, so I did, with a coworker/friend following behind me (of course we had to stop and pick up Fitz from daycare on the way as well!).

Once at the hospital and all the family on the way we settled in and I was having mild contractions by then (similar to the braxton hicks i was having for 2 months). Family arrived, we visited a bit and then the contractions got stronger.

Well Alex really was in a hurry. I have no idea when things happened but it all went pretty quick in the end. My water broke at 2pm, I was at the hospital around 3:30. Contractions probably got worse around 6pm. By 9pm I think they were pretty excruciating. By 11:30 when I was supposed to be getting my epidural, I was feeing the urge to push…. so no epidural…. that was NOT the plan. Luckily Alex is little and it took only 15 minutes or so of pushing (and me screaming) to get her out.

Alexandra was born at 11:46pm on April 10th, 5lbs 7oz and 18 3/4″ long.

Alex getting checked out in the nursery right after being born, holding daddy

Once Alex was cleaned up a bit, the family all got to meet her. The next hour passed in kind of a blur for me (I may have passed out I was SO tired) and Alex had to go to the nursery to get checked out. By 1:30am however we were all in our new room for our first night together!

Our first family portrait

Our hospital stay was pretty normal, Alex had some issues with nursing at first and did get jaundiced so we opted to stay an extra day (since she was born before midnight we would have left Thursday but stayed through Friday lunch time instead). We came home in time to have a wonderful weekend together, visit with more family and just figure things out in general.

Alex with her Daddy

Grandma Groudas with Alex

Mimi with Alex

Aunt Becca with Alex

Grandma Williams with Alex

Since Aunt Aimee took most of the pictures I don't have one of her holding Alex but here she is visiting with little jason.

Uncle Jason with Alex

All dressed and ready to go home!

Alex meeting Fitz for the first time.

Of course what weekend home would be complete without a little nursery progress – on Sunday Ryan worked on the nursery, taking out the radiator pipe and patching the section of floor there.

Nursery progress has been in high gear since then. PJ came out Monday night to help and Dad came out Tuesday night (happy birthday to me!). The progress has been very fast and I can hardy keep up with what’s being done since Alex and I are hanging out separately.

I’ll let the photos do the talking for the progress.

PJ stripped the closet door and also finished up the cedar that will go under the trim on the inside of the door

Ryan took out the radiator pipe and patched the flooring.

Ryan patched the corner that is behind the door where there used to be a hallway meet up so there was a diagonal seam.

Dad sanded down the nursery floor

PJ painted the first coat on the ceiling Tuesday night and Dad put the second coat on Wednesday morning.

The first coat (sanding sealer since it dries fast) is on the floor and Ryan and Dad painted the first coat of light green on the walls!

The baseboards are getting installed.

Not just nursery progress, the tvroom floor is also getting done this week!  Ryan and PJ moved the couches out and Dad started sanding down the tvroom floor, need something to do while the nursery floor is drying.

First pass sanding the tvroom floor

Ryan and PJ also got the trim for the nursery made tonight so that can be installed tomorrow.  2 more full days with help (1 more day with PJ and 2 with dad).  I think we’re shopping for rugs this weekend to protect our new floors!!!

One Comment

  1. Wow!!! Both rooms look awesome! It’s going to be so different when we come up in May. I am so excited for you guys. It will be so much easier when you have a room for all of her stuff. Can’t wait to come up again!

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