A little progress

I had intended to work on the nursery this afternoon while Alex snuggled with her daddy but instead I fell asleep and it was great because it turned out to be a 4 hour nap!  After dinner (thank you robin for the ziti and rolls!), I did get in the nursery a bit.

I got the trim caulked and the closet door frame sanded then started priming the rosettes and door frame until I ran out of primer, then it was time to clean up so I could feed Alex.  Maybe tomorrow I can not only finish priming but also get a coat of paint on the trim?  Slowly we make the final bits of progress 🙂


  1. Yes my recovery went very smoothly, I was extremely lucky (benefit of a small baby?). It was hard holding back for 2 weeks with the 10lb weight limit of things I could lift. I could tell if I surpassed that though so it kept me in check. Luckily every day I felt more capable and I’m looking forward to feeling 100% in a couple more weeks.

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