2 weeks old

Alexandra is officially 2 weeks old now and what great 2 weeks it has been. Unfortunately with the end of 2 weeks comes the end of Ryan’s time off which felt much too short since part of it was in the hospital and part of it was spent working on the nursery. We did enjoy the last 4 days together as a family mostly relaxing or running errands. Everything else could wait.

officially 2 weeks old

Now we’re in uncharted territory, I’m home alone all day with Alex and Fitz, trying to establish some semblance of a routine (mainly just making sure we walk the dog regularly and get a nap in) 🙂  I’m also working on Alex’s birth announcements and a photo book for her first 2 weeks.

All dressed up for going out to lunch on daddy’s last day home

Yesterday we got all dressed up and went out to early dinner for Ryan’s last day home.  Then we ate lots of desserts while snuggling Alex.

This sums up most nights

Unfortunately Alex decided to have a ‘up every hour’ type of night when Ryan was trying to get enough sleep to get up early for work.  While he didn’t have to actually get up it’s hard to sleep through the crying 🙁  Hopefully tonight is a little better!

Trying out a pacifier during diaper changes

On Monday Alex had her 2 week doctor appointment – 5lbs 11oz!  And 19 inches long.  She’s growing fast and doing great.  No well visit appointments until 2 months now when the shots all start up – yikes!

Some tummy time for pictures

Man I just love her eyes!

Some daddy time

That’s it for us.  Hopefully I’ll make some nursery progress soon, just need to get some other things done first.


  1. I love the little dress outfit! She looks so beautiful! And she already looks like she has changed so much in 2 weeks!

  2. Good luck on your home alone time! Email me if you need any moral support. Computer time seems to be the one easy thing to do lately. Getting myself motivated to shower and get dressed before our walk today. Hopefully Alex doesn’t scream through my whole shower 🙁

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