Spackling Monday Night

And day actually.   At lunch time I got a first coat on the wall seams and a third coat of spackle on the lower half of the screws throughout the nursery.  That was the extent of my lunch time energy but luckily Ryan was able to get home at a normal hour (normal for the rest of the world, early for him), and after going for a run he got a coat on the ceiling seams and the screws on the top half of the wall and ceiling.

So technically the screws have 3 coats (just need to check to see if any need more).  I think tonight he wants to do half of the upper corners and maybe another coat on the seams?  Then tomorrow we can do the regular corners (I can do one side at lunch time and he can do the other side after work).

We’ll see how it goes, so far so good, he’s hoping to have it sanded and primed this weekend if he doesn’t get a new project at work that means he has to start working late.  I tried to take a picture this morning of the progress but my phone didn’t like it – it gets screwy sometimes.  So no picture unfortunately 🙁