Nursery Drywall and electrical

Ryan was busy Friday night getting more prep work done on the nursery, working around the huge sheets of drywall that were off to one side he drilled some holes for electrical (to run the light circuit) and screwed in almost all the firring strips on the ceiling (the ones he could get to).  Then he added some framing to the corner that was missing any nailers.

Mom and Dad showed up Friday night so we could get a nice early start on Saturday.  There were 2 items to do first, finish up the electrical and move the drywall so everything could be accessed.  Once the electrical was all wired they were able to start on the drywall – ceiling first.

The ceiling up

The ceiling was just about finished (the last piece was up but not screwed in) by lunch time (1pm).  That’s some great progress.

Then they did the exterior wall (that got rid of 2 of the 14′ x 54″ pieces of drywall.

Exterior wall getting screwed in.

Unfortunately I don’t have any more progress pictures after this but they were able to finish up the drywall (of the room, not the closet) entirely by dinner time.

Sunday they drywalled what they could of the closet (using scraps) but we need to get another piece of drywall to really finish it.  Then started taping and continuing electrical (hooking it up in the attic to the existing circuit it used to be hooked up to for now – later we’ll put in a subpanel in the attic).  While tape/spackle dried, electrical was done, then more taping, then more electrical and finally the last upper corners were taped and Mom and Dad headed home.

So the nursery is really coming along – Ryan feels ambitious and hopes to get the spackling all finished in the next 2 weeks, maybe even walls sanded and primed before easter – we’ll see how it goes (mostly based on his work load).

Anyway – some pictures!

Ceiling view (from the closet)

The view from the closet side

The closet - partially drywalled - we're actually going to do cedar walls in here like our master closet i believe.

From the doorway - the right hand wall (there used to be a door there - too many doors in this house!)

And the other side (view from the doorway) - of the windows.

So that’s 2 coats on the screw holes, and just taped on all the seams.

What’s left?

  • Running the cable/ethernet drops (2) to the interior walls
  • Closet drywall and cedar
  • Spackling
  • Sanding walls
  • Priming (then touchups)
  • Putting the door frames back in
  • Trim – windows, door, crown molding, baseboards
  • Priming/Painting trim, Painting ceiling and walls
  • Refinish floor (includes patching the spot where the radiator was)

Can we be done before baby ? 🙂  We’ll see how long she stays in!

In baby news – all is still well there – the braxton hicks contractions have continued but nothing like last thursday thank goodness.  I still get bouts where they are 5 minutes apart but they don’t stay that way for more than an hour.  Plus i’ve been assured that even though the contractions are so often and consistent, they don’t actually mean I’ll even go ‘early’ – she could still come late even, all it means is I’ll be even more uncomfortable as I get closer to the due date because I’ll get bigger and more uncomfortable PLUS still be having contractions.  Really looking forward to month 9 🙂 *sarcasm*.

But baby has a room that looks like a room now, even if it’s not finished so I’m excited!

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