Happy New Year

It’s a new year – and how did we spend New Year’s Eve?  Well working on the house of course!

We determined that the upstairs diningroom/master bathroom floor had way too much movement to hold a new bathroom at some point.  Just Fitz walking across made it sway (not good for grout).  So today we worked on the floor.  First Ryan and his dad took up the wood floor (we saved almost all of it).  We’ll re-lay it for the hallway but the bathroom will be tiled.  Then we de-nailed all the boards to save them and I cleaned up the subfloor.

Upstairs diningroom floor - gone! (see it piled on the right, that's most of it)

A farther back view - we still need to reframe what will be the entry to the hallway but at least there's a doorway.

A different view (toward the bathroom)

And back toward the stairway hallway

A view of the old chimney way - we're waiting to close off this hole in the floor until we know what we need to run to the attic through here.

Ryan and his dad then worked on supporting the floor joists from below – using 1/2″ plywood on each side of every joist after jacking up the floor a bit.  We have to wait 5 days for the adhesive to dry fully before we take down the jacks and see if the floor feels more secure (it feels very secure with the jacks under it) 🙂

Jacks holding up the floor joists for extra support temporarily

The supported floor joists - 1/2 inch plywood on each side, glued, nailed and screwed in

The other half of the room

And a different view

Suzanne made a potato, bacon soup for the guys for lunch that Ryan has been enjoying the leftovers from today as well.  We ended the evening with a night out at Chunky’s to see the new Sherlock Holmes – love sitting in comfy seats and getting to eat while watching a movie!  Unfortunately probably due to the dust, I was starting to feel like I was getting a cold/sinus infection by the evening and didn’t wake up feeling much better today.  But a day of relaxing certainly helped (as did tylenol for the headache).  I also think the high pressure system we had passed through which was not helping.  By tonight I was feeling much better and got the house vacuumed to remove the dust pretty thoroughly.

We’ll see what tomorrow brings … drawers maybe??

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