Demo-master returns

The holidays are over and the house work begins!  That’s how we like to bring in the new year.  Ryan didn’t get to take the week off so while I was home by myself Tuesday and Thursday I worked on emptying out the upstairs diningroom and cleaning the house (Wednesday was a stitch day with the girls).

By Friday, Ryan was off from work, his dad and suzanne were out and we were ready to work on demolition.  And demolition they did!  The upstairs diningroom (that will become the master bathroom some day and a hallway) was emptied out and all taken to the dump (3 trips).  It was a long and very productive day!

The new hallway entrance (well this will get reframed out but this is what was uncovered when they took out the built-in)


The wall toward the master bedroom

The door toward the hallway of the bathroom (this door frame is now gone too)

The wall that adjoins the small upstairs bathroom - they have a double wall so the plumbing is hidden

And the demolished diningroom - to be master bath!

A great day!  We ended the day watching Sherlock Holmes – the original one, we’ll go out to see the new one tomorrow night at Chunky’s!



  1. You guys ALWAYS get tons of demolition done when Mark and Suzanne are there- you must feel like you are ready to move along now!
    does it look spacious?

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