A Witchy Night

Last night I spent a few hours working on the Witch costume for Georgia.  Specifically the jacket since the dress is already done.  It went together pretty quickly and all I have left to do is to attache the sleeves to the jacket and put in the grommets!  All the rest is done!  It’s a black jacket with a green lining and will have green ribbon to tie it together through the grommets.  It doesn’t quite fit my manikin but you get a decent idea and I pinned the dress to the front of the manikin (also doesn’t fit on it) so you can see the two pieces together.  About 30 more minutes and I’ll have one costume done!

The back of the jacket, the sleeves are just pinned in place, not actually attached but the rest is all done.

A view of the front/side with a sleeve rolled up so you can see the green lining is in the sleeve flounce as well as inside the jacket which is supposed to flare out around the dress.

Actual costume is viewed here: http://www.simplicity.com/p-1755-costumes.aspx, top left is the witch version we made.  One almost done, 3 more to finish up!  Let’s hope tonight I’m motivated to do some more sewing 🙂