A Family Weekend on the go

No house progress because we were on the road this weekend.  Saturday was my niece’s 5th birthday party!  We drove out to Springfield and had a blast at the children’s museum.  We barely saw my niece as she was off with her friends but my younger niece needed supervision so Ryan and I tagged along with her, exploring things from her level and she was a hoot.

After the party and presents back at the house we headed down to my sister’s house to see my nephew.  He has grown so much!  He’s now holding his head up strong and almost sitting (needs a little support).  He’s also very playful and can get very talkative, especially left to his own devices.  I got lots of snuggles and baby coos between Saturday night and Sunday morning before we did the drive home and relaxed (football was on) in the evening.

Here’s a few pictures we took of Jason just before we left…

Hello Little Jason!

And here's a funny face!

And today is my cousin Georgia’s 12th Birthday – that’s just crazy (the 12 part, not the birthday part)!