Outside work complete (contractor work)

I came home yesterday to find all the work we contracted out completed!  The top crown molding was installed and the small side pieces of moldings on the windows by the driveway side were all installed!  Now it’s up to me to get to painting so we can really call it done!  We have work to do on both porches, we’ll see if that’s going to happen this summer or next.

The front of the house – with all moldings installed!

The troublesome outside corner and the small molding which he may have had to take off and redo to get the angle right (the previous contractor last year installed the crowns at the wrong angles).

They are hard to see but the window caps’ molding now wraps around to the sides (we had installed the front piece previously). Just need to paint the front of the moldings red and these windows will be done!

Awesome.  We are well and truly broke but the house looks great 🙂  Time to re-build our savings 🙂