Monday, storm day

The crew showed up Monday morning, a little on the later side thinking it would be raining, it held off, until it didn’t!  just after lunch the sky opened up and dropped buckets of rain down.  The guys scrambled to pick up and get under shelter.  It rained for hours after that but they made good progress in the morning.

Hard to see but they got the frieze board up under the soffit, it’s built out farther than the panels, a very nice effect. Then the panels were started between the windows and the top.

Another view, very hard to get a good view, plus it was still sprinkling out.

I’m trying out larger pictures, if you click them they should open full size too.  I know the pics have been kind of small lately.

The guys are up to 17 days on the job (subtracting rain days).  They hope to finish the tower by the end of the week (thursday off, working friday) but it will really depend on rain.