Painting the peak

Another weekend home and we got to do some work on the house!  During Alex’s morning nap I went out and sanded and primed the old shakes.


Afternoon nap was spent working on finishing up the crown molding in the kitchen and taking a nap myself so no more painting (plus the oil based primer takes longer to dry so i couldn’t paint the peak yet anyhow).  I’ll get pictures of the crown for tomorrow’s post – it’s all up now, just needs hole filler and caulk!

After Alex went to bed I got the backs of all our moldings primed and then went up and got a coat of paint on the peak.  It was getting dark so Ryan got a picture part way through, when I finished up it was too dark for a picture.

They did a great job with the scaffolding, it wasn’t scary at all being on a ladder on top of it, they have planks screwed into the top of the scaffold and the scaffolding is attached to the house.  Tomorrow i’ll get the second coat on the peak and get the moldings all painted with 2 coats of red during Alex’s naptime.

I can’t wait to see this with the moldings all up and the scaffolding down!