4 months old

Baby girl is 4 months old already! In exactly 1 month she will start daycare so today we went over to check it out and meet her ‘teachers’ and fill out paperwork. Alex loved watching the other kids (she always does) and I think it will be a great fit.
What’s new this month? Well Alex laughs (sometimes), blows raspberries! All.the.time – as of yesterday. Rolls to her side like a pro (not all the way yet). Holds her head up steadily now.  Found her feet (but hasn’t eaten them yet, just plays with them).  Scratches herself daily (insane how quickly these darn baby nails grow!).  She’s drinking pear juice now – her first non-milk ‘food’.  You know, all the things those genius children do – read books, count to 10 (just kidding) – but we’re having lots of fun.

We had some fun taking photos today…

It is so hard to choose a favorite so there may be a lot…

didn’t get many smiles but a giggle is great

going for the feet, i had to grab her so i wasn’t able to center the pic but still cute!

oh hello there

and some tummy time, always tough to get good pictures because she hates it, i tricked her by using her giraffe to pose her a bit. This lasted for about 20 seconds longer than normal (which is 2 seconds)

For size reference, getting so big!

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