Crown Molding

Since we went back to NY last weekend, we had no house updates, evidently that’s the only time I blog 🙂  This weekend however we stayed home and made some decent progress, even with Ryan having some last minute/unexpected work on Sunday to do.

One thing that makes it easier to work on the house (besides Ryan not working on a weekend) is that Alex takes usually 2 really good naps a day (2 hours), she’s also been going to sleep consistently around 10pm, getting up once (sometimes twice) to eat but sleeping till 7am (8am if she gets up twice).  So we’re getting more sleep in general which is also helpful.

So this weekend, we got up nice and early on Saturday and enjoyed the fact that the heat had finally broken, so we all went for a run together.  Then got showered (it wasn’t that cool out) – even Alex got a shower to cool off.  Then Ryan started working on making the crown molding pieces while my friend Robin from work stopped by for a visit.  After lunch Alex took her long nap so we got the crown molding almost all installed (we actually were short 1 piece so that didn’t make it up).  Almost done though!  I also got 2 of the 4 rosettes we need stripped on Saturday.

Crown molding now continues around the room. A few pieces needed to be scribed since the ceiling dips in places but luckily ryan is good at that now 🙂

The long side had to be 2 pieces of crown but the longer runs are a bit easier since you can bend them more.

A picture of the baseboard Ryan did a few weeks ago, never got a picture of it then.

On Sunday we got up early (well Ryan and Alex did – they went for a run while I got an extra hour of sleep – Alex was up every three hours Saturday night which was an extra night feeding than normal, so I needed a bit more sleep).  After their run we headed out to run some errands and when we got back Ryan found out he had to work so that last piece of crown didn’t make it up yet (maybe some night this week?!).

I was able to get quite a bit done though, I got the last 2 rosettes stripped and sanded so they are all ready to be installed (which will be quick for Ryan when he has some time).  Then I installed the disconnect and the wire for the outside condenser unit (here comes the A/C!).  I just have to buy a breaker to finish the wiring and the plumber has to wire the unit itself.  Hopefully Monday we’ll have the A/C all hooked up and running – although they have to move the ducts they installed along the attic ceiling to run under the floors so at some point the A/C will be off so they can change those.

In general we have been very happy with this plumber/HVAC guy so far.  They fix/change the things we ask without complaint and even though they work short hours (in this heat I can’t blame them) they get the work done quickly.  They haven’t had any issues with the dog, even when I’ve left them alone at the house.  This week they are finishing up everything they can do until the gas line gets installed from the street, then they’ll come back and do the final hookups so we’ll have heat/hot water off of gas and we can get rid of the oil!

Now I just need to find someplace to get rid of our radiators and then our oil tank later this summer.  Very exciting!  We’re looking forward to next weekend, another weekend home to work on the house hopefully, we need to get the tvroom trim painted so we can do the final coat on the walls and floor and get this room finished up!