Mid-Summer Slump

We could not motivate ourselves to do much this weekend unfortunately. Saturday morning was good, Ryan removed some more of the porch ceiling then we went to the lumber yard to get the rest of the wood for the window panels. After that we spent most of the day down at Kimball’s for my work summer outing which was a lot of fun.
Back home Saturday night all we did was a long walk and watch some more Castle.
Sunday wasn’t much better, no motivation at all. We did put up the frieze board (planed the wood first) and I got it primed at least. So the front is ‘done’ and ready to be fully painted. I still want to caulk the frieze board though before I do the second coat of paint.

Frieze board up

Today it’s just a short day at work and then down to my sisters to hang out with her and my nephew! I can’t wait! Then back to regularly scheduled programming.