Agility class

Fitz and I started Agility class last night.  He’s been really into treats and food lately so I was optimistic that he would do well.  Until we  got there.  All the other dogs around distracted him and he wanted nothing whatsoever to do with treats.  He wanted to play with the dogs (it doesn’t help that the last time I dropped him there it was for a daycare (day of playing).

He did pretty well though, mostly without taking treats.  We started with recall (he has to run up to the directed side that my hand is at.  It helps it showing them which tricks to do (they follow the hand).  He didn’t do it exactly but he ran to me when I called him.

Next up was the tire, I’ve got him jumping through the hoop at home so he knows the concept but at home he likes to chase the treat I throw.  He was not interested in the food and he was definitely the dunce at this one.  Finally someone gave me some cheese which he was a bit more interested in and he jumped through.  After a few slow ones he got into it and started doing very well.

We moved on to the tunnel.  Slow to start (but not the worst in class), he finally came through the tunnel to me.  After that he was a pro, running through the tunnel, not caring a bit about a treat at the end.  What really happened was some new dogs showed up and were playing in the corner, he wanted to get to them so badly he’d do anything I asked 🙂

So class was not horrible at all and I’ve got to start him on understanding the clicker now.  Next week I’ll bring cheese and hopefully it will go smoothly from the start.

This morning I took the boys for a nice long walk to tire them out.  Fitz is home by himself today and Buddy came to work with me since he’s not ready to be left alone for such a long time yet.

Out for a stroll

Plenty of grass to walk on but these city boys prefer the blacktop walkways through the park.

They walk really well together, I use the extending leashes so that I am not getting tangled too much (if they’re too close they go back and forth).  When they’re in front they walk pretty confidently forward.  Until they see squirrels 🙂