Siding and Painting!

Another busy weekend working on the house.  Saturday we got up nice and early and started working on the siding.  First up we had to make the window/door caps.  Each piece had to be made and installed then primed.  By lunch we had the windowcaps done.

Window cap on!

Door cap!

Cap on the cupola started.

After a break for lunch we got to work on the siding, it started with some really tough pieces that had to be cut around the window caps, luckily Ryan is really good at that.  We got the siding installed all the way up.  All that’s left for the front section is the frieze board which we don’t have the wood for yet (and the lumber yard was closed).  So I ended the night by caulking the front section.

Caulked and sanded!

This afternoon I got set up on the porch and got the siding sanded and ready to be primed.  There was a little bit left that had to be stripped as well but once that was all done I got the whole front primed!


Next week we’re away so it will be like this for a little while but it’s SO much better than it was all winter!  I also started working on stripping the left side of the house so I can refinish that eventually.  I think with a few weekends in July we’ll have the front all buttoned up!