Early weekend progress

Friday night and Saturday morning we got some great progress done on our individual projects this weekend already.  I worked one the curtains for Aimee’s nursery (finished them by 11:30 on Saturday!) and Ryan made great progress on the built-ins for the tvroom.

Friday night he made the face frame for the right side cabinet in there, and Saturday morning he attached it and made the face frame for the left side.  Then he played with his router bit that he hopes to use for the doors.

The built-ins with face frames!

The router detail we plan to use on the doors, we just have to pick a type of panel to use, this would be a flat panel option.

After a trip to home depot I headed down to Aimee’s house to see her and my nephew again.  He didn’t really wake up much during our visit but he did move around a bit and attempt to open his eyes for split seconds here and there, then fell into a comfy sleep (probably after he filled his diaper).

I’ll post pictures of the curtains tomorrow once they are hanging in the nursery, they don’t look like much all folded up and I can’t wait to see them hanging!