Working from home

Fitz likes work from home days, no kennel for him, he can wander around, play with toys and sleep wherever he wants…


Fitz, working hard

And lunch time…

Still sleeping

This little guy has no idea what the next week brings.  First the weekend, a much more active day than he’s used to currently (maybe he’ll sleep all night!) and very little kennel time.  Then we’re on vacation next week – that will be a real treat for him.

Come friday he starts his first real training session (we are hiring someone that will help us with 1-on-1 training for 6 sessions).  In the mean time we are still working on ‘come’ and ‘sit’ and he’s definitely making progress.  He met the trainer today and really liked her (and her dog).  He wasn’t scared at all which is a great sign.  He wasn’t as happy about the furnace cleaning guy who came up from the basement and made lots of noise down there 🙂

And back to work (for me), back to sleep time (for Fitz), wish I could join him in an afternoon nap!