Just a little insulation

Well today did not go as planned unfortunately.  We spent the evening last night clearing out the bottom of the driveway and taking nails/screws out of the walls for insulation today.  We got the last wire run and everything secured.  This morning we moved the radiators and I installed the last cable drop.

The insulation guys, after getting all set up however were having equipment failures.  They couldn’t get the pressure they needed and need to do some repairs.  So they sprayed just enough that we could put the radiators back and not have to move them again (can’t got days without the radiators in at all!).  Then left to come back end of next week.  UGG!  At least we got the radiators in though.

I’m totally bummed that insulation is not done yet and we’re having some leaks from snow build up on the porch roofs.  Ryan is clearing the front porch roof as much as he can.  We’re more worried about the roof over the bathroom/gym but it so far has not leaked.  We’ll try to clear it a bit but it’s really built up there.

It’s going to be a different weekend than I had planned, that’s for sure.  Probably clearing snow and maybe doing some insulation in the basement but probably not putting up crown molding in the gym since we can’t move the stuff out of there into the other rooms yet since they are not ready.

Here are some insulation pictures – what’s done so far:

diningroom insulation started

another diningroom shot

livingroom insulation started

the other side of the cupola