And the tree is up … for now

I was bummed our tree could not be decorated (or brought inside even) while we wait for our new tree stand to arrive in the mail.  Then I talked with someone at work who had made their own tree stand years ago and I got inspired.  A quick trip to home depot for some supplies (I had to hit the grocery store anyhow) and I was in business.  I got the stand put together just before Ryan got home and he helped me attempt to secure the tree.

Home made tree stand - will not leak!

The securing part took a little while however.  I was not able to get a type of wire I was happy with so went with just string.  String however stretches a bit.  Our first attempt to tie the tree failed miserably (i tied it too low).  Ryan did a much better job the second time and it even stayed up while I got some dinner made up.

Finally I decided I would feel better if we secured it with a few more ties – however my attempts made it lean more and more.  At this point (Ryan watching me tie the tree as it leans over me), we changed tacts.  Ryan went for screwing the tree to the paint can around the top.  We didn’t get the tree totally straight (it leans back) but it doesn’t seem to be going anywhere either.

And it stands .. on its own!

If the tree is still standing when I get home from work tomorrow I’ll get it decorated.  I was so bummed we wouldn’t have it done until next week, this has made my week now.  The last of the christmas decorating should happen tomorrow and then it’s just cookie baking left to go!