Out sick

Lack of posting has been due to the flu.  Last weekend Ryan had to work all weekend and Sunday I came down with what i thought was a cold after we did manage to clean up leaves in the morning.

Unfortunately by noon Monday (I was at work to get some important tasks done) I knew it was more than just a cold and I headed home around 2 to sleep for 36 hours straight under the influence of NyQuil.  On Wednesday I awoke from my stupor in less pain and finally able to get out of bed, I spent the day on the couch napping, this time not taking NyQuil which indicated I was on the mend for sure!

Now that I’m back to work I’m a little behind and have been busy.  I hope this weekend to get a little done around the house, Ryan has to work again but I will figure out some things i can do before I head out to CA for the week.