Costumes finished!

Halloween costumes for 2010 are finished up and dropped off as of last night.  Wednesday night I finished up the princess dress no problem, then attached the collar to the Black cat shirt and the sequins to the ears.  Thursday night I attached the ears to the headband.

And pictures!

Maia in Arie's pink dress

Chloe the black cat

All three

Excited for Halloween

I love making costumes for the girls every year.  They really appreciate it and now that they get to pick out the fabrics it’s something I’m doing with them.  Every year I hope we have a little more time together and they can help with sewing, but we’re all so busy.  Maybe next year they can sew a bit on their costumes and learn the process.  Anyhow – that’s over for the year, I didn’t get my own costume done although I could bring it back to NY and work on it Saturday at my mom’s house – tempting!