Now that’s a busy weekend

Mom and Dad came out Friday night so we could get an early start on Saturday.  Friday night Ryan and I got some of the wood off around the diningroom windows and got the room ready to go.

I set up the camera on Saturday to take a picture every 10 minutes of our progress and I made a short video of the window install.  We managed to get the 3 diningroom windows installed and the last livingroom window closed up before dinner Saturday.  I’ll let the movie speak for itself 🙂

(note these may only work in windows)
Diningroom Window Install – click for movie

Then we moved onto the front door project – again I set up the camera to capture our progress.  The door project actually went through dinner, then wrapped up for the night and we finished it up just after lunch on Sunday.  The door looks amazing and tonight I’ll get the sidelight and frame sanded and stained if I can get off the couch again 🙂

Here’s our front door video:
Click for Front Door Install movie

What an amazing amount of work we got done this weekend and we never would have gotten this amount done without Dad’s help.  It was great that mom and dad could come out and help with these projects, it made everything go a little faster with an expert’s help.   I am hurting now though, my feet can’t even hold me up and unfortunately a headache is rampaging.  Time for some tylenol and a nap maybe and I can get back into some work.


  1. Great idea with the “movies”. The windows and door look awesome. You must be so glad to have all of that done now!

  2. We couldn’t see it on our laptops but I was working on my PC today and checked them both out! Really neat!

  3. Great movies. You are doing a fantastic job. That front door is beautiful, it looks made for the time period of the house. It will be interesting to see how much you save on heat this winter with the new windows.

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