Bathroom almost done!

To see the whole journey go here: Downstairs bathroom journal

The Original Room Current Progress: Almost done
Before Demo

This weekend we got the bathroom almost finished up. Aimee and Jason came out to help. Ryan and Jason worked on the plumbing, getting the shower fixtures installed, the toilet and sink. We also hung up the towel bars.

New bathroom sink!

Towel rod

While Ryan and Jason did the plumbing, Aimee and I worked on stripping down the bathroom door. Aimee worked the heat gun and I used the scraper and we made great progress. I was able to finish scraping the door Sunday night and get some wood putty on it.

Aimee working on the door

Bathroom door all stripped down

Since I had the house to myself (Ryan was in the office all day again), I did some spring cleaning. I got the curtains all washed, a decent dusting job done and a quick vacuum. After cleaning the house up and cooking some dinner I started stripping the trim for the gym. I got one side of the window trim done, sanded and holes filled.

Gym window trim side 1

Hopefully this week I’ll have some time to get the bathroom door primed and painted and some more trim stripped. We’ll see how it goes 🙂