
I was going to keep things simple this year in the garden area because I just didn’t have time but I’ve been wanting to do a vegetable garden for years.  So when I first started out yesterday working on the gardens it was with the intention of moving a few flowers around (hopefully they’ll survive their transplanting).  One rosebush died so I also wanted to replace that.

So I spent hours diggin up grass to extend the garden bed then I ran to home depot.  Later I continued extending the bed because I had bought a few more plants and had a few I had purchased at BJ’s previously that I decided to plant – although they don’t look so good so we’ll see if they are alive or not.

And for the pictures…

Begonia's around the front tree - exactly what I've been wanting to do!

A closer picture

Extended the rose bush bed and moved the plants around

Vegetable garden!

Just went with a few herbs (oregan, basil and rosemary) and some veggies (2 tomatoes and an orange pepper) then some flowers and marigolds (keeps the bugs away from the tomatoes hopefully).

Red Azalea bush! I love these and hope to have them in the front some day when the porch is done.

Some blooms - these are the perennials from my mom last year. Mountain Bluet and Chives both blooming!

I moved thse bushy plants from in front of the rose bushes over to the rasberry bushes where they won't be hidden. The lillies are really coming back but need to be moved forward from the raspberry bushes.

We’ve decided to switch to a black mulch this year (and from now on) so I ended the evening last night mulching.  I still have 2 bags and have to really weed the perennial garden before I mulch it.  I also want to plant mint and lavender along the driveway but that may be a project for next year, we’ll see!

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