Promised Pictures

No more progress this weekend, Saturday we took the day off to relax all day and Sunday Ryan had to work and I started Alex’s Halloween costume at naptime so no house time.  I do have pictures from our Friday progress finally though…

The peak! The soffit and windows are completely done, just need to do the green on the siding and the red on the shakes and moldings!

Same below, the trim around the door etc is done but green on the siding has to be done under the porch.


Railings are all primed!!!!

I’m very happy with 4 days of progress and we got to relax a bunch.  The weather really held out for us and we got everything done.  Now if we get good weather again we can finish painting, if not it will at least be in better shape for the winter than last year.  And back to the bathroom tiling project!