Still Here

Seems I dropped off the blogosphere after our closet finished huh?  Well let me fill you in…

The last weekend of our vacation we went back to NY for my nephew’s welcome baby bbq.  Then Irene decided she was attending and we had to cancel so we drove home Saturday night.  That meant Sunday was actually an unexpected day at the house – did I get anything done – no.  Why?  Because Saturday night I didn’t feel well so I didn’t sleep well so I slept most of Sunday!

Monday brought work again and Ryan’s new job started up.  This means that while I’m also busy due to a new program at work, Ryan is even busier and has a longer commute (mine is tough to beat too!).  So I’m on full time dog duty as well as house everything duty.  This leaves less time for much else BUT I have been getting a start on halloween costumes!

The black cat costume was put together and tried out, it needs a little adjusting and then it needs embelishment.  That’s a quick one.  I also started the top for Maia’s dress, go the pieces cut out.  I’ll post pictures after I’ve done some actual sewing 🙂

Camping?! this weekend – depends how Knox is (is it a swamp after Irene) and how the weather is.  Either way we’ll be seeing family this weekend and Irene is not coming!