Painting this weekend

We spent the weekend with family – sisters to be exact.  Saturday after a trip to the dump (bye bye plaster!) we drove down to my sister’s house where I primed and painted one of their spare rooms with Aimee’s help.  We also went fabric shopping for some curtains.  They still have to paint the ceiling and trim but the chocolate color they picked for the walls looks great.  The pictures don’t show the color too well but here it is all finished up Sunday morning:

It’s really between these two colors 🙂
Then Sunday we drove up to Ryan’s sister’s house to visit with her family.  We spent hours playing with our nieces.  They are so much fun, especially the two of them together.  Finley just cracks up when Emily entertains her, it’s a blast to watch.

We got home around 8:30 to a pretty cold house so we spent the rest of the night upstairs where it’s warmer.  Can’t wait for that insulation!