Girl time

I just got home from a day and a half spent with my nieces.  What a great time we had.  I drove over at lunch time Monday and stayed the night.  Emily and I got a few walks around town pushing the carriages (she had her baby doll and I pushed Finley), we played some games, we played outside on the swings and finally this evening we took a nap (well Finley woke just as Emily crashed on the couch so I didn’t actually get to sleep but Finley was happy to lay on the floor and practice rolling so I had an almost nap).

Now I’m back home and back to Halloween costumes.  We’ll see how much of the princess skirt I can get done tonight.  I found out today I have to be in the office for an early meeting – so I can’t stay up too late (I don’t think that was really an option though since I’m not used to the level of activity required to keep up with a 4 year old!) 🙂