Starting the weekend off right

Unfortunately on Friday Ryan got the news that he would have to work all weekend – as in – in the office work 🙁 Major bummer considering all the work we had planned, now he’s missing out and I know that bothers him.

I did manage to stay on top of my task list so far for the weekend. This morning I made a trip to the dump with the yard debris I’ve been collecting (and did a final pass through the yard and a quick weeding job too). Then a few more errands before I came home to work on the bathroom.

First I finished grouting the shower.. this went much faster than before – we bought a new float which is SO much better than the cheap one we had. I had used it on the walls (just not the shower walls) so I knew it was better and it was 10 times better on the shower walls.

Last shower wall grouted

Once I finished that I up decided to seal the grout on one of the walls. I did 2 coats and it looks good so I assume I did it right 🙂

Left wall - grout sealed

At this point I was STARVING so I made up some home made mac n’ cheese (double batch) so I could freeze one, bake one and save a few small cups for bringing to work (in the freezer). I am just sitting down to my “lunch” now and Ryan JUST got home so he’s out mowing before getting back to work this evening.

Still on the docket for the night – I plan to do the touch up priming in the bathroom so it’s ready to paint tomorrow. Then grout the floor. I also sanded the trim and did some more touch up with wood filler so it’s ready to be primed tomorrow as well. Going to be a productive weekend!