President’s Day Weekend

We had a nice long weekend (well Ryan had to work Sunday and Monday but I had a long weekend!).

By Sunday Morning Ryan had the bathroom cement board just about finished (the window pieces still need to be put in but the walls are ready for just drywall now. Here’s the progress:

Sunday I spackled the final corner coats on the walls and ceiling corners. Then Monday I spent the day sanding the walls. That was a LOT of work and I may have sanded a bit too much but they’re nice and smooth. The ceiling is still lagging behind (needs one coat of spackle on the seams still).

Then Monday night I chose one wall to prime so I could see how the sanding came out. I was concerned that the sanding screens I used were leaving fine lines (directional) from sanding and I wasn’t sure if the primer would cover it or not – luckily it does and the wall came out great! Here is the primed wall:

Tuesday and Wednesday I was SO sore from sanding that no progress has been made since (plus I’m working long hours so I’m not home much) but hopefully this coming weekend we can get the ceiling done so the whole room can be primed.