Demolition Part I is complete

With the very much appreciated help of my father-in-law, my husband and he finished all the demo of the first three rooms we are tackling. The “Red room” and bathroom are now down to studs. Wednesday they demo’d the “red room”, then thursday we did the bathroom, revealing some pretty bad conditions in the floor and the wall studs. So Friday we put down a new subfloor and started re-framing the bathroom walls. This project is not yet complete but it’s close.

With the weather being just so amazing last week we needed to do a little outdoor work so we started a garden to plant my birthday rose bushes in. I really hope I can keep them alive! This weekend all work was suspended (except for cleaning) due to other plans and with my sister’s wedding fast approaching (this coming weekend) work will probably not resume until next week.

Next on the house to do list is to finish the framing and support beams. Then the electrical. We also have to replace the bathroom window. Then we’ll just get ready for the insulation people to come and do the spray foam. Once that’s complete we get to do the really fun part – drywall???