Happy New Year

The new year started out about the same as last year – a weekend trip up to the NH house to work 🙂  We had Alex with us so I mostly just spent time with her and Ryan worked.  He got the final coat of spackle on the upstairs hallway (above the staircase).

During ‘naptime’ – otherwise known as Alex screaming or talking in her bedroom time – we got the first coat of paint on the 2 bedrooms (the back room and master).  We are playing around with color, we bought white paint and we’re tinting it with the leftover orange from the gym to give it just a bit of yellow.  The back bedroom came out perfect, the master I think had a bit more orange so we’ll lighten the bucket a bit more before second coat time and then save the leftover for touchups.

Master bedroom – first coat of paint

Back bedroom

At this point I think we’re still planning on finishing up 2 coats of paint before we install trim so we only have to cut in on the trim painting.  The ceilings are done so we can install the heat vents and lights/smoke detectors when we have time.  One big thing holding us up right now is getting rosettes stripped.  We can’t install all the trim until we have rosettes and they need to be de-nailed and stripped – ugg.

We’re hoping to work the next 2 weekends – maybe even get a kid free weekend in there.  We’ll see.  Lot’s to do and goes faster if both of us can work!