Monday Funday (and tuesday)

We got a slow start on Monday, needing to sleep in (well Ryan slept in, I had to take boo boo to daycare at 8am), but then i settled in to read for a bit, sinus infection only a little bit better than the night before.

So we got up and did some errands, we went over to the lumber yard where we get our trim and stocked up on cap moldings for the baseboards and returned a bunch of stuff to home depot.  Then home to get back to work on the tiling project.

Ryan worked on the backsplash while I cleaned out the thinset between the floor tiles.  This is very slow work and grouting didn’t happen until it was time to pick up Alli boo.  So Ryan did the grouting while I fed Alex and put her to bed, in time to help with some of the grouting.

Backsplash progress – the bottom is done, just the top left!

By bedtime we had the floor completely grouted and managed a little relaxing time.

Floor grouted – I didn’t get a picture until this evening when we’ve been working in the area so I don’t have a complete picture

Tuesday started the day with a dump run (had to stay off the tile until 1pm), and some other errands.  Then I stripped a few rosettes (6 of 10 done) while Ryan worked on trim for the kitchen.  The archway is all trimmed out now, the apron for the window sill has been coped on the ends and the door frame that stuck out too far has been cut back flush with the drywall.  I primed some of the cap molding for the baseboards and started the long process of filling nail holes and caulking the trim (the window is done).  Pretty productive day considering we had to be done by 5pm to pick up Alli boo.

Archway trimmed out

archway and bathroom door both have trim now – two more doors to go and then some baseboards


Tomorrow will be a little different, Ryan has an appointment in the morning so I’m going to take the truck in for some service and do some work work.  I’m hoping we get back to trim work in the afternoon because come Thursday it’s time to start the cleanup process.

Tonight is for relaxing, I have a date with my sewing room, not sure yet what will come out of it.