Been a while

Yikes I guess it’s been a while since we did much on the house.  We’ve been a little busy with traveling to NY for Easter etc.  In the evenings we did manage however to get  the last 2 sections off the kitchen spackled and sanded and Ryan got the long piece of baseboard scribed and installed.

The back hallway, ready to be primed and painted!

The bathroom hallway off the kitchen, also ready to be primed

We still need to finish the trim installation in the bathroom hallway on those 3 doors and the arch but this weekend it’s time to tile the kitchen!  I think Ryan wants to get the plinth blocks installed tonight first but we’ll see.  Depending on what is being worked on I may get the priming done, that at least protects everyone’s clothes from getting plaster dust on them when they rub against the wall 🙂

Next week is our vacation week to work on the house so I’ll try to update with pictures more often and boo boo is turning 1 year old on Wednesday – unbelievable!  The little munchkin just amazes me every day 🙂