Rainy Day (day 5)

Thank goodness Ryan was feeling better today!  And with it being a rainy day we decided to take today as our day off.  We slept in (well Fitz gets me up at 6 for a walk and breakfast but he then let us sleep in once he got that).  Then we went to Millstores to look for a small entertainment center for the gym.  We actually couldn’t find anything I really liked but got the idea to try building something.  Should be fun.

After a nice lunch out we came home and set up the gym!  There are still some touchups I want to do in the gym and the trim needs a coat of paint around the door (I wanted to wait until we got the treadmill in, just in case we dinged it up).  So the gym isn’t completely done but it looks done!

We didn’t do much else today but relax (Fitz got another nice long walk the spoiled dog) 🙂

Here are some pictures of the gym all set up.  I also designed out what i want for a small entertainment center and I ordered the wall mount for the tv so I’m looking forward to getting that part in there as well.

Treadmill in the gym!

Weights and bench set up - those small weights on the sides are my new bday gift 🙂

A view of the door.

I really like the gym mats we got, they are hard to keep looking clean since they collect dirt but they are very sturdy and will really protect our new floor!  The small entertainment center I plan to build will sit in front of the treadmill.

Tomorrow the weather should improve and hopefully we can pick up more decking in the afternoon.  Ryan has a leadership class in the morning and I have a dr. appt.  Then in the afternoon Fitz has his Vet appt and then we’re going down to dinner with family.  Fitz gets to meet Buddy tomorrow night!

Maybe Friday we can put some of the decking down!